Como tradición en la noche de Halloween Norteamericano, se acostumbra  Tradução - Como tradición en la noche de Halloween Norteamericano, se acostumbra  Inglês como dizer

Como tradición en la noche de Hallo

Como tradición en la noche de Halloween Norteamericano, se acostumbra mencionar esta famosa frase, cuando los niños visitan las casas de sus vecinos, para lograr conseguir los famosos dulces que conformarían el “Trato”, y si no se los dan entonces deben llevar preparada una travesura o “Truco”, por no hacer trato.
La costumbre se remonta al edad media, cuando se encontraba muy arraigada la ceremonia celta de esta fecha, donde se creía que los espíritus se levantaban de sus descansos, en particular esa noche y se dirigían a las casas de sus familiares a saldar cuentas, éstos para evitar consecuencias, colocaban en sus ventanas, ofrendas como alimentos o cerveza, para conformarlos y evitar sus maldiciones o venganzas.

ool.. I just got back from the gym. I did a ton of squats and lunges lol I'm working on my big booty :P

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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
As tradition in the American Halloween night, it is customary to mention this famous sentence, when the children visit the houses of their neighbors, to get the famous sweets that would form the "deal", and if they do not give them then they must be prepared a prank or "Trick", by not making a deal.The custom is dates back to the middle ages, when is was very rooted the ceremony Celtic of this date, where is believed that them spirits is raised of their breaks, in particular that night and is heading to them houses of their family to settle accounts, these to avoid consequences, placed in their windows, offerings as food or beer, for comply them and avoid their curses or revenge.OOL... I just got back from the gym. I did a ton of squats and lunges lol I'm working on my big booty: P
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]

As tradition on Halloween night American, it is customary to mention this famous phrase when children visit the homes of their neighbors, in order to get the famous sweets that would make up the "treatment" and if not they then must wear a ready mischief or "Trick" not to deal.
the custom dates back to the middle Ages, when the Celtic ceremony this date, where it was believed that the spirits were lifted up from their rest, especially that night and headed was deeply rooted to the houses of their relatives to settle accounts, to avoid these consequences, placed in their windows, offerings such as food or beer, to conform and avoid curses or vendettas.

ool .. I just got back from the gym. I did a ton of squats and lunges lol I'm working on my big booty: P

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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
As Halloween tradition in American, it is Customary to mention this famous phrase, When children visit their neighbours" homes, to achieve the famous Sweets that formed the "treatment", and if they are not then prepared dan must carry a prank or "Trick", not to make a deal.The Custom dates back to the Middle Ages, when the ceremony was very rooted Celtic This date, where it was believed that the spirits were lifted from their breaks, in particular that night and went to their family homes to settle accounts, to avoid these consequences, placed in their windows, offerings such as food or Beer to conform and to avoid their curses or Revenge.Ool. I just got back from the gym. I did a ton of squats and lunges lol i "m working on My Big Booty: P
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