After the client perform an activity in the management switch (OSR) ,w Tradução - After the client perform an activity in the management switch (OSR) ,w Inglês como dizer

After the client perform an activit

After the client perform an activity in the management switch (OSR) ,where FBSC05 LAN cables are connected, the ETPA changes TE-EX with flag FLTY.After the client perform an activity in the management switch (OSR) ,where FBSC05 LAN cables are connected, the ETPA changes TE-EX with flag FLTY.
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Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
After the client perform an activity in the management switch (OSR) ,where FBSC05 LAN cables are connected, the ETPA changes TE-EX with flag FLTY.After the client perform an activity in the management switch (OSR) ,where FBSC05 LAN cables are connected, the ETPA changes TE-EX with flag FLTY.
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Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]

After the client perform an activity in the management switch (OSR) Where FBSC05 LAN cables are connected, the ETPA Changes TE-EX with flag FLTY.After the client perform an activity in the management switch (OSR) Where are FBSC05 LAN cables connected, the ETPA Changes TE-EX with flag FLTY.
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Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
After the client perform an activity in the management switch (OSR), where fbsc05 LAN cables are connected, the ETPA changes you ex with Flag flty. After the client perform an activity in the management switch (OSR), where fbsc05 LAN cables are connected, the ETPA changes you ex flty with Flag.
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