tiene el tactil sueltose le ofrecen los servicios de reparacion y el A Tradução - tiene el tactil sueltose le ofrecen los servicios de reparacion y el A Inglês como dizer

tiene el tactil sueltose le ofrecen

tiene el tactil suelto
se le ofrecen los servicios de reparacion y el AppleCare
cliente dice que la táctil no ha cambiado de color
cliente dice que no tiene daños físicos
cliente quiere servicio CAR
De: -
Para: -
Resultados (Inglês) 1: [Cópia de]
has the loose touchthe AppleCare and repair services are offeredcustomer says that the touch has not changed colorcustomer says that it has no physical damage client wants service CAR
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 2:[Cópia de]
It has the loose touch
will offer repair services and the AppleCare
customer says that the touch has not changed color
customer says no physical damage
customer wants CAR service
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
Resultados (Inglês) 3:[Cópia de]
Has the Loose TouchWe offer services of repair and the AppleCareClient says the touch has not changed colorCustomer said that no physical damageClient wants service car
sendo traduzido, aguarde..
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